Under the new regulations, all commercial and public-purpose ships engaged in the domestic carriage of passengers are required to maintain liability insurance in a minimum amount of $250,000 for each passenger the ship has the capacity to carry.
Legal Affairs
Legal AffairsMagazine
The Polar Code: Ship safety and environmental protection in Arctic and Antarctic waters
With an increasing number of ships operating in the Arctic and Antarctic, international focus on the polar regions led to the adoption by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) of an international treaty on the safety of ships operating in polar waters: the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters, known as the “Polar Code,” which came into force on January 1, 2017.
Significant changes have been made to the CSA and the MLA through Bill C-86…
While adult cannabis use is not a new issue, the question of how the legalization and (the expected) resulting increase in use will affect the workplace is uncertain.
The modern Canadian military justice system is codified in the National Defence Act which sets out the Code of Service Discipline (CSD) that applies to all of the Canadian Armed Forces.
In trials organized by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, a prototype of the world’s first autonomous ferry has been launched.
When contemplating a project that entails a change to port lands (or water), one should be aware of the Project and Environmental Review Process and the hurdles to overcome before proceeding.