The Canadian Ferry Association (CFA), with financial support from its members (BC Ferries, Marine Atlantic, Owen Sound Transportation, Coastal Transport) recently signed a contract with the Marine Institute of Memorial University for the creation of an Industry Research Chair in Marine Passenger Transportation Technology.
The total investment of at least $695,000 over five years will enable research in important areas such as efficient propulsion systems, robotics and autonomous systems, data management systems and underwater radiated noises.
This initiative fits well in one of the key CFA strategic priorities: innovation. Indeed, with daily changes in technology, CFA is keen to enable our members operating and owning ferries to stay at the forefront of the sector.
CFA continues its efforts to observe innovation throughout the world and report to its members. In the past year, CFA conducted two outgoing missions to look at innovation in Europe and report to its members. It established relationships with various research centres and is developing new tools to facilitate the sharing of information on innovation.
More information can be obtained by contacting CFA ([email protected]).